The transpirenaica alone and in 25 days

Have you thought about doing the Pyrenean Path alone? If so, you will be interested in the talk we have had with Nico Fernandez and his Transpirenaica alone.

Here we leave the video of your adventure, it has no waste. And then you have the interview with all your experiences and advice.

Many thanks to Nico for sharing his experience with the entire community.

How did the idea of carrying out the Trans-Pyrenees walk on its own? Challenge, discovery, what motivated you? In the year 2000, I did 4 stages of Carros de Foc, I had never made a mountain in that way before, with a backpack and everything I needed to spend those days in high mountains, that captivated me so much that I did not stop making mountains at different levels. My lifelong dream as a "pirineista" had been to cross the Pyrenees following the GR11, so in 2015 after 15 years of experience and more than 200 different climbs promoted I wanted to put the icing on it. I have done many sports challenges but without a doubt, this was the one that attracted me the most.

Did you do any specific training? One prepares before a challenge like that, how was it in your case?
Well, I have always done a lot of sport, snowboarding, mountain biking, mountaineering, etc., but without a doubt my life and my passion is to climb mountains, almost every weekend I usually go out to the mountains with a group of mountaineers, we have a group of hikers where we are 41 friends that we enjoy as children climbing mountains, thanks to so many years of experience leaving every weekend I have acquired a physical form and experience that has made me able to do this challenge in 25 days. I did not do a specific training although for other challenges if I did it, but due to a personal issue I could not do that specific training and I had to face the GR11 with what I had on my legs after so many years of sports. At first, I had 43 days to do it, but for personal reasons, I had to accelerate everything and do it in 25 days, a real madness.

What equipment did you carry inside your backpack? We suppose that there will be a balance between utility and lightness. What did you miss and what would you now leave at home?

I tried to carry the minimum and essential as I consider that lightness is very important, the weight can make a challenge like this disappears for many reasons. He carried a backpack of 60 liters and inside; a solar charger to charge the ebook, GoPro, GPS and mobile, a Camelbak of 3 liters of water, backpack of 60 liters, inflatable mat, fiber jacket, Goretex jacket, a small toiletry bag, comfortable sleeping bag 12º, maps, ultralight tent of 950 gr. Necessary clothes, two changes, one putting and another drying hooked in the backpack with safety pins, food as a sandwich, biscuits or snacks in case you could not find a place to eat and just in case there was an unexpected and a first aid kit.
The store was very light but very small, so much so that my life inside it was hell since I did not go inside with my backpack and it was a nightmare, so after a week I bought a bigger one in a village, in the only store where I could find one since in the Pyrenees there are not many shops. They only had a 3-seat tent and almost 3 kg of weight so I increased the total weight of the backpack, but I do not regret it, my life inside it improved considerably and with it the much-needed rest. I wore a jacket too summery (12th comfort) and at night it was cold so in that store I bought another one of 5º so the weight also increased, in total with everything that was necessary inside, water and food the backpack weighed 20 kg, an authentic torture for the legs and the back, but of course in the mountain many things can happen to you and being alone sometimes it is necessary to take some things just in case. After having done it if I had to do it again, I would only change one thing, I would do it in more days, in 35 perhaps, to enjoy everything more and not suffer so much. For the rest I consider that I took what I needed, I started with a backpack of 15 kg and after the changes of store and bag, I finished with 20 kg.
How is the theme 'mental'? I mean, many hours with yourself ... Is it long?
Solitude was the hardest part of the GR11, I've done things alone but this made me realize many things, you appreciate many things that you have and that you lack there. It is not the same to go through hardships only accompanied, happiness is not complete if you do not share, go through good times without having anyone to tell you how happy you are at that time is hard. Not having a shoulder to cry or vent on at times is hard. Finding yourself in dangerous situations like thunderstorms at 2,200m in a lonely area of ​​the Aragonese Pyrenees is hard. I missed my friends and family, my comforts of home, my routines, but I learned to know myself away from all those influences, there you are alone, you face everything your way, and that makes you stronger and know how to react in each situation. When I came back from the GR11, many things changed in my life, not that I had changed, I saw things differently and I made very important decisions.

Did you have a physical problem? Any injury?

The lack of special preparation took its toll, I was two weeks with swollen patellar tendons, I had to resort to my physio to help me via telephone, I thought I would have to leave due to the strong pain but in the end I solved it, I also had blisters in the toes, I cured all but one that accompanied me the 25 days with a very strong pain at each step, but I also suffered a painful and silent little hemorrhoid during the last week, not to forget chafing, a contracture in the quadriceps , etc ... One thing is to walk 30 or 40 km a day and quite another to do it with injuries and 20 kg on the back, without a doubt the physical and emotional pain was the worst, but there is no glory without pain?
The transpirenaica alone and in 25 days The transpirenaica alone and in 25 days Reviewed by segio on May 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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