The essential equipment for hiking

This will try to be a checklist that can guide you when preparing your backpack, fruit of the experience in several days excursions. With her, we hope you do not forget anything.

A good mountain boots will be the general footwear that we will need to face a route of several days, the case of the Transpirenaica. In this case, to specify a little, we must take into account that it runs on most of its journey through high mountains. Now, more and more, and especially for the less rocky and smooth stages, at lower altitudes, you are choosing trekking or trail shoes, especially at times when you are sure you will not find snow. We have to analyze the route, the terrain through which we are going to pass, the time of year, will there be snow? ¿Mud ? will it rain? does it run in the middle of summer where the temperature boils my feet little by little and without mercy? You see that the conditions are many.

Hiking clothes
Here again, we have to analyze the concrete case. I am going to put the Transpirenaica again: here the places where we are going to travel will be a high mountain, except in the most western and eastern part of the Pyrenees. We will make a special mention to a thermal other, both breathable, and a last waterproof layer. There are a thousand and one options, and all valid, depending on the season and the weather conditions that we will find. Here we recommend the system in layers or, as is commonly known, that of 'the onion'; that will allow us to have the versatility to remove and put garments depending on the external conditions and the level of activity.

orientation in mountain
What we are going to tell here, that unless we are knowledgeable (or very knowledgeable of the place) we will have to be informed at all times of where we are going, and for this, the GPS, map, and compass are of vital help. Nowadays every smartphone can be used as mountain GPS using applications such as OrusMaps, which work both online and offline.

  Description of the route or guide.
  GPS (optional)

Again we will use the example of a route such as the transparencies, throughout the GR11 we will have facilities to spend the night if planned in advance, we will have to assess the weight involved in running the store, the convenience of reaching a refuge and then the economic issue. Another important issue, can I camp here? In any case, an ultralight store can be a good recommendation for many days' routes. It will give us freedom, but it will take away our comfort, that the backpack quickly gains weight.
The essential equipment for hiking The essential equipment for hiking Reviewed by segio on May 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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